Dynamic. Scenic. Creative.
Incredible visual effects and sets
The internationally recognized DMX (Digital Multiplex) protocol is originally used in the world of stage lighting and entertainment. Today it is also used for architectural lighting thanks to its resistance, signal security and performance

Scopri i prodotti in DMX/RDM and SPI
DiscoverPerfect control management
The DMX system can offer you a perfect control solution applicable to any environment. It will be possible to create incredible visual and scenographic effects, thanks to the robust, resistant and high-performance connection system.
The evolution of the system

The RDM (Remote Device Management) system is an updated version of DMX, capable of offering total control by making the communication between user and lighting fixture bidirectional. In fact, the luminaires connected in DMX-RDM are able to communicate important information with each other: their address, operating parameters, temperature and life expectancy of the LED. Thanks to these characteristics, this protocol simplifies the maintenance of the entire system, offering the possibility of isolating and identifying potential problems.