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Certifications | Linea Light Group

The management system of Linea Light S.r.l. complies with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards

The Management declares that the Policy is aimed at the complete satisfaction of its Clients through the supply of products/services that comply with the required specifications, the protection of the environment through the prevention or mitigation of negative environmental impacts, the protection of health and safety at work and the continuous improvement of company processes.

To this end, the Management is actively committed to upholding and sharing the following general principles, identifying and updating

  • The organisational context in which it develops its business, determining the internal and external factors that may influence its ability to achieve the expected results;
  • The needs and expectations of stakeholders
  • The risks and opportunities in relation to the organisational context, environmental aspects, health and safety risks for workers and the needs and expectations of stakeholders, with particular reference to business continuity.


Our Mission is to build customer loyalty through high quality standards of the product/service provided (not attacking the competition with downward price policies), with a view to environmental sustainability and protection of workers' health and safety. Satisfied customers make it possible to produce the income necessary to develop, consolidate and give continuity to the company and all the stakeholders that live with it (Owners, Collaborators and Suppliers).

A prerequisite for the achievement of this goal is the maintenance of a flexible, streamlined and highly integrated organisational structure to ensure maximum involvement, participation and development of the corporate culture, oriented towards team work and the professional fulfilment of Collaborators, aware that:

  • The payer is the Customer, the central element of the Management System; it is our duty to understand and meet their expectations;
    The logic of objectives must replace bureaucratic logic: objectives are assigned to each process, the achievement of which requires the collaboration of everyone in compliance with the rules, which must not be disregarded but systematically applied to the benefit of effectiveness and efficiency;
  • We must ensure safe and healthy workplaces and make our contribution to the environmental pillar of sustainability: occupational health and safety management and environmental management must be integrated into the business processes, strategic directions and decision-making activities of our organisation;
  • Teamwork must be favoured: each activity carried out has its own Supplier who must express the best of his abilities and a Customer whose expectations must be met;
  • It is necessary to learn from mistakes: their identification is not aimed at finding a culprit but at understanding the causes that led to failure. Mistakes made must not be hidden but constitute valuable opportunities for individual and team growth.

In this process of continuous improvement, we intend to involve our Suppliers, as interested parties in the correct functioning and improvement of the Quality, Environment and Safety Management System, who must aspire to the role of partner for the achievement of maximum integration and business development.

The same Collaborators, in order to grasp the frequent changes in the market and understand the changing needs, are called upon to observe, apply and improve the Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment and Safety as a tool desired and promoted by the General Management to ensure:

  • Compliance with the specifications required by the Customer;
  • Achievement of the set quality standards;
  • Prevention of incidents;
  • Continuous involvement, valorisation, motivation, professional growth and training of Employees;
  • Satisfaction of all stakeholders, internal and external.


All personnel are therefore made aware that they operate within a System whose purpose is to implement this Policy, with which Linea Light Srl is therefore committed to:

  • Fulfil its compliance obligations;
  • Protect the environment by applying the best possible and economically viable technologies, monitoring production processes and taking preventive action to avoid or minimise pollution and any negative impact on the environment caused by its activities, products and services;
  • Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and illnesses;
  • Eliminate hazards and reduce occupational safety and health risks;
  • Consultation and participation of workers and their representatives;
  • Pursuing the continuous improvement of the Management System to increase its performance by setting objectives and targets and measuring progress.


To this end, the General Management ensures the organisation, the availability of the necessary human and material resources as well as suitable working environments, contributing in the first person to support and encourage the Quality, Environment and Safety Management System functional to the achievement of the periodically defined objectives.

This document is circulated and communicated to all employees and collaborators of the Company and to all those who have business relations under the control of our organisation, so that everyone is aware of their individual obligations and responsibilities in the effective implementation of the Company Management System.


Vazzola, 30.03.2023

Management Policy

Management declares that the Policy is aimed at the complete satisfaction of its customers through the provision of products/services that meet the required specifications, the protection of the environment through the prevention or mitigation of negative environmental impacts, the protection of occupational health and safety, and the continuous improvement of business processes.

Certificazione Qualita Politica Ambiente Linealightgroup

ISO 9001 Certification

We certify that Linea Light Srl's Environmental Management System complies with the ISO 9001:2015 standard in the following sectors of activity: design, production and marketing of lighting and furnishing products and LED light sources for outdoor and indoor lighting.

Certificato 9001 Linealightgroup

ISO 14001 certification

We hereby certify that the quality management system of Linea Light Srl complies with the ISO 14001:2015 standard for the following fields of activity: Design, production and sale of lighting and furnishing products, luminaires for indoor and outdoor LED light sources, filed through the processes of assembly, tinning, resin coating and testing that meet the requirements of the standard.

Certificato 14001 Linealightgroup

45001 Certificate

CISQ/IMQ issued certificate recognised by IQNET

Certificazione 45001 Linealightgroup