Schirn Kunsthalle
Recreating light in the shadows
Frankfurt - Germany
Frankfurt - Germany
Lighting Project
Stephan Zimmermann LightSolutions
Norbert Miguletz
Schirn Kunsthalle
In the shadow of new and recent surrounding buildings, the Schirn Kunsthalle finds a new daylight for its northern wing.
The Schirn Kunsthalle, with a length of over 180 metres, is located in the heart of Frankfurt, between the characteristic Romer and St Bartholomew's Cathedral. With almost 500,000 visitors each year, it is one of the most important exhibition venues in Europe. On its northern flank, a portico spans the entire length of the building, uniting the Schirn with the surrounding city centre. Over time, the portico has been heavily obscured by other new buildings that have sprung up nearby. The task for lighting design studio Stephan Zimmermann was to re-light this essential part of the building with daylight. This was made possible by the high-performance Edith ceiling lights, which were chosen for this project.
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Illuminazione d’esterno per una importante sede espositiva
La scelta di utilizzare prodotti a tecnologia LED permette di poter avere un illuminamento altamente performante. In ogni punto luce sono stati installati quattro corpi illuminanti da 100 W per ottenere 52.000 lumen per gruppo di apparecchi e avere così una luce “solare”. Inoltre, le lampade installate possono ricreare le diverse temperature di luce da 2700 K e 6000 K grazie alla tecnologia Dynamic White, per monitorare così il diverso gradiente di luce. La soluzione sviluppata dai progettisti programma l’illuminamento proporzionale regolando la luce a seconda del momento della giornata sia in luminosità che in colore.
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