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Mostra donnAArte

Light and art in favour of research

Lilt Headquarters, Treviso, Italy

Mostra donnAArte
  • Indoor

  • Art and Worship


Lilt Headquarters, Treviso, Italy

Lighting design

Linea Light Group team







Mostra donnAArte

Women supporting women

donnAArte is a project born in 2018 by areAArte magazine, to realise cultural activities and events with the collaboration of women recognised nationally and internationally in the world of art and creativity. The main objective is, on the one hand, to raise funds for breast cancer research and prevention and, on the other, to support the associations that collaborate in the oncology departments in local hospitals to ensure psychophysical support for women affected by this pathology. 
Thanks to the culture and beauty of art, donnAArte seeks to raise attention, to collaborate and spread the message aimed at promoting prevention – living and overcoming an increasingly-treatable disease.

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Professional lighting for the art exhibition

The third edition of the exhibition, titled “Un’opera Insieme”, was held from 6th November to 18th December at the Lilt headquarters in Treviso.
Eighteen artists and a jewellery designer exhibited their creations, made small-scale and with various graphical techniques, in an exclusive edition of 40 pieces. This is one way to combine the medical message of prevention with culture. 

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Linea Light Group’s professional solutions were employed to illuminate the 3 rooms housing the photographic, pictorial and three-dimensional works.
The 15W Pound_t track projectors with a 3000k colour temperature were installed with a quadrangular arrangement along the entire internal perimeter. 
The spotlighting was completing with extreme precision in order to exalt the various types and sizes of the works on display by creating plays of light and shadow.
In this contemporary exhibition, maximum attention was paid to the visitor, who was able to immerse themselves in a synergistic environment characterised by a balanced dialogue with art.

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